Say What You Want to Say and Convert More Clients | Fast Track Video Ep #98

Do you know what you WANT to say, but you don’t know HOW to say it? Here’s a hint: Find out what you want to say…and SAY IT. That’s right…stop overthinking it, worrying about political correctness or the “cool kid” factor, and just SAY what you want to tell your target audience. I know you’re […]
3 Content Hacks for Video, Social Media, and Blogs | Fast Track Video Ep #86

We’ve all experienced the pressure of trying to develop valuable content to put out into the world. That’s why I’m sharing 3 content hacks that will make it so much easier for you to identify relevant topics and easily create content to share with your audience. It seems like every time we sit down to […]
Facebook Live Video: How Content Marketing Really Works: Get Ahead of the Change

Are you struggling with some aspects of your content marketing strategy and implementation? You are so not alone. In fact, you’re one of an increasingly large group of successful business owners who are suddenly finding it frustrating to gain traction and stand out in a very crowded online space. I know how you feel. At […]
How to Add Live Streaming to Your Weekly Content Marketing Strategy | Fast Track Video Ep #76

Have you incorporated live video into your content marketing strategy yet? If not, it should be one of your highest priorities! Whether you’re new to video marketing or have already made it a big part of your business strategy, you probably want to know what’s coming next in the ever-changing online arena. The answer? Live […]
Facebook Live Video: Accountability, Vision, Strategy and Success in 2019

Are you feeling like 2019 is meant to be an especially important year in your life and business? I am feeling this very strongly, and I’ve been getting many things into place to help ensure that this is a year of renewed focus, less stress and confusion and more success! Probably the toughest challenge we’ll […]
Unbreakable Podcast with Thom Shea: A Content Marketing Strategy for Better Conversion

I am fired up! I was honored to be chosen as a recent guest on Thom Shea’s Unbreakable podcast! If you haven’t discovered Thom yet (or Unbreakable – it’s been included in the Top 100 business podcasts!), I cannot encourage you enough to check this out! You will LOVE him and what he’s doing to […]
How to Use Opt-In Offers and Content Marketing to Up Your List Building Game | Fast Track Video Ep #61

Are you feeling overwhelmed trying to master your list building strategy? If so, you are not alone! List building is confusing! There are so many options, and it seems like everybody is giving us conflicting advice. Do you need a separate landing page, should you use one of those pop-up boxes, what types of lead […]
How to Promote and Recycle Older Content | Fast Track Video Ep #14

Do you have lots of old content just sitting somewhere feeling abandoned (those poor old blog posts!)? We spend so much time creating content and pour a great deal of energy into promoting it….once, twice….maybe a handful of times. And then what? We’re on to the next batch of new stuff! Well, guess what? You […]