How to Create a Compelling Opt-in Offer That Converts | Fast Track Video Ep #89

opt-in offer

Does your website have an opt-in offer that converts visitors into customers consistently? In all the years I’ve designed websites, I always try to make it beautiful AND effective for my clients. A well-designed website doesn’t just look pretty—it makes customers WANT to work with you. If your website isn’t convincing potential clients to work […]

How to Create a Brand Book for Your Business | Fast Track Video Ep #65

There’s something I want you to do. I want you to create a brand book for your business! Sounds complicated, doesn’t it? Guess what? It’s NOT! In fact, it’s really fun and will get you (and your team!) excited, motivated and working better as a unified organization. I just did this for my business, and […]

Branding Tip: How to Stand Out From the Competition | Fast Track Video Ep #58


In a highly crowded industry with competition everywhere you look, how the heck can you stand out?!? Believe it or not, you can absolutely stand out from the competition. How? My answer might surprise you. Be yourself! Seriously. This might sound crazy, but it’s really not. I share many tips in the video below that […]

How to Confidently Write in Your Own Voice | Fast Track Video Ep #45


Do you write in your own voice with confidence?  If you’re like a lot of entrepreneurs out there, you might not completely trust that using your true voice is what’s best for your brand.  You might feel a little insecure about whether your message and delivery are what they should be. This is completely normal!  Frustrating […]
