An Easy Way to Monetize Your Blog Posts | Fast Track Video Ep #20

Did you know that there is a way to easily monetize your blog posts? That’s right! If you produce blog posts for your readers, there is an incredibly easy thing you can do to generate sales and help grow your business! With a little effort, a decent video camera and a strong focus on providing good value to […]
Guest Blogging Still Rocks | Fast Track Video Ep #17

I’m guessing that you would love to dramatically increase your website traffic, subscribers and customers. Am I right? If so, you should consider guest blogging. This is one of those amazing opportunities to grow along with those in your online community. Everybody wins. You leverage successful networks, build professional relationships with other industry leaders and provide […]
How to Promote and Recycle Older Content | Fast Track Video Ep #14

Do you have lots of old content just sitting somewhere feeling abandoned (those poor old blog posts!)? We spend so much time creating content and pour a great deal of energy into promoting it….once, twice….maybe a handful of times. And then what? We’re on to the next batch of new stuff! Well, guess what? You […]
How to Format Your Content to Keep People Reading | Fast Track Video Ep #11

Would you believe that people have much shorter attention spans these days? Um, excuse me. Hello? Over here. Did you read that first sentence? Okay, you get my point. But while we sometimes can’t help but laugh about the need for instant gratification these days, this actually does play a crucial role in the success of […]
Develop a Content Plan in 5 Minutes | Fast Track Video Ep #8

Looking for a content structure to help build your business? I am about to teach you an incredibly easy exercise that will enable you to develop a content plan and boost your business success. And guess what? You can actually do this in about 5 minutes! This will help grow your business, appeal to your audience, reduce […]
How to Implement Effective SEO for Your Blog Posts | Fast Track Video Ep #2

Does the mere thought of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) make you cringe? Well, when you find out how easily you can implement SEO into your blog posts – and how much free traffic it could bring your way – you might start to feel a little differently. That’s right….free traffic! I’m sharing the exact steps to […]
How and Why to Repurpose Your Content | Fast Track Video Ep #1

Do you ever feel overwhelmed trying to figure out what to do with your content? With so many ways to distribute content these days, no wonder so many people are pulling their hair out trying to figure out what’s best for their business. Everyone has a preference for how they absorb content. Some people only watch […]