Use This Tip to Increase Social Media Engagement | Fast Track Video Ep #80


Are you spending lots of time on social media trying to grow your following and boost your engagement only to feel like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere? I think I can help.  I want to offer you a strategy that I’ve been testing on my own social accounts… that I haven’t seen anyone […]

Increase Website Conversion by Creating an Experience | Fast Track Video Ep #79


There are a lot of people struggling right now when it comes to getting good (or any) website conversion. Visitors aren’t sticking around for more than a few seconds. Nobody is opting in. Nobody is reaching out for more information about offerings, pricing, how to work together, etc. Now, this is sometimes the result of […]

#1 Key to Business Success – Be Yourself! | Fast Track Video Ep #75


I am coming to you with another personal message… sharing my #1 key to business success. The thing that “powers” my (and will power your) marketing, sales, and operations/fulfillment success. Without sounding lame, or cliché, or controversial I want to make clear that the quickest path to success for you and your business is… to […]

How to Get More Creative in Your Business | Fast Track Video Ep #73


Do you ever feel like you keep playing small in your business? Sometimes we play small because we’re afraid to put our creative selves out there. After all, what if we’re criticized? What if our ideas are rejected? What if we flat out fail? Doing the same old thing is a safer and more comfortable place […]

Why You Need to Stop Waiting and Take Action | Fast Track Video Ep #71


Are you struggling to impact more people but feel like you have to wait until you’re ready before you can get your message out to the world? I’ve got news for you. Waiting until you’re ready kills your business. Why? Because you’re never 100% ready. Timing is never 100% perfect. If you keep waiting until […]
