Criteria for Saying Yes to a Podcast Interview Request | Fast Track Video Ep #82

So, you’ve received a podcast interview request, and you’re not sure if you should accept or not? First of all, that’s such a great problem to have my friend! This means you’ve made it past the initial phase of saying yes to every interview opportunity that comes your way and people are starting to take […]
Hey Authors! Learn How to Relaunch Your Book | Fast Track Video Ep #81

Are you an author with a book release that didn’t quite meet expectations? Maybe you’re wondering if there’s any way you can relaunch your book? You’re not alone! Ben, a community member, asked me this question and I’d like to answer it for him. In short, YES! You absolutely can!! We’ve helped authors create a […]
Use This Tip to Increase Social Media Engagement | Fast Track Video Ep #80

Are you spending lots of time on social media trying to grow your following and boost your engagement only to feel like you’re spinning your wheels and getting nowhere? I think I can help. I want to offer you a strategy that I’ve been testing on my own social accounts… that I haven’t seen anyone […]
Increase Website Conversion by Creating an Experience | Fast Track Video Ep #79

There are a lot of people struggling right now when it comes to getting good (or any) website conversion. Visitors aren’t sticking around for more than a few seconds. Nobody is opting in. Nobody is reaching out for more information about offerings, pricing, how to work together, etc. Now, this is sometimes the result of […]
Facebook Live Video: How Content Marketing Really Works: Get Ahead of the Change

Are you struggling with some aspects of your content marketing strategy and implementation? You are so not alone. In fact, you’re one of an increasingly large group of successful business owners who are suddenly finding it frustrating to gain traction and stand out in a very crowded online space. I know how you feel. At […]
Improve Your Sales Conversion with Clear Messaging and Positioning | Fast Track Video Ep #78

Are you struggling to improve your sales conversion, despite doing all the things you’ve been told to do in terms of marketing and promotion? How would you like a communication hack that will finally get you the results you need? That’s what I’m sharing with you today, along with an important “challenge” that will have […]