
An Easy and Effective Monetization Idea | Fast Track Video Ep #15

I’m excited!  I’m about to share with you an easy, convenient and fun monetization idea that your bottom line will love.  We’re always looking for new ways to grow our businesses, and it’s easy to assume that anything worth implementing will be incredibly time consuming and stressful.  Wrong!

Think about setting aside an hour each month to lead a Q&A call with your following.  You’d charge monthly for these calls and provide some pretty amazing benefits for participants.  Easy breezy!

I’m sharing how to set up a Q&A call program that will add tons of value for everyone involved!

You’ll discover:

  • How everyone benefits
  • How to strategically promote the calls
  • The ideal number of participants
  • How soon you can start (hint: pretty much immediately….!)

Want to take advantage of a great idea that can benefit your business long term?  Take a look at this fast and fun video!

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  • Share this post with others so they can get the inside scoop on this easy monetization idea! Simply click the social media sharing buttons below to impact some lives now!!

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