How to Create a Customer Journey Document for Better Business Structure | Fast Track Video Ep #66

I have an assignment for you that will make a big difference in your business! I want you to create a customer journey document where your goal is to list out all the touch points that a potential customer might have with your organization.

This exercise might take you 10 minutes. It might take you an hour. But you’ll have it forever, can update it as needed and it will create better business structure for you and a better experience for your potential customers.

What is it exactly?

A document that basically serves as a list of how your customers come to you (referral, website, heard you on a podcast, saw you at a speaking engagement, etc.) and what you want them to do next (and next, and after that…) once they have found you. It’s fun, and it will get you organized for more effortless days and less chaotic ones.

I’m sharing:

  • How to create your customer journey document
  • My personal recommendations for how to guide customers through their journey
  • How you (and your team!) benefit once the document is complete

If you’re ready to create a customer journey document for better business structure and a more positive customer experience, you’ll love this Fast Track video!

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