live streaming

Live Streaming Success: Improve VIEWER Experience to Maximize Reach and Engagement | Fast Track Video Ep #102

Viral live streaming is THE best, fastest way to grow your market share right now!

This is why I’ve created this four-part series on live streaming to help YOU succeed at it from day one. In previous episodes, we discussed the host and guest speaker experiences and how to maximize both for optimal reach. Today’s episode is going deep into the VIEWER’S experience. We want to create an incredible experience that captivates your audience and keeps them engaged.

Start by putting yourself in the audience’s perspective. What catches YOUR eye when you’re scrolling own your feed. What keeps you watching instead of moving on? For me, I want to see an energetic, passionate host sharing a message that resonates with me. If there’s a guest, I love to see a great conversation with equal energy levels.

In today’s Fast Track episode, I go deep into these tips for the most powerful viewer experience:

  • Creating a powerful, enticing promotion demonstrating your knowledge, passion, and WHY they cannot miss this event.
  • Have a dedicated person moderating the event when it goes live to greet and engage your audience.
  • Ask viewers to share or start a watch party! People love to help you.
  • Continue to engage, share, and link back to the replay AFTER the live event.

“Live streaming isn’t the future…it’s the NOW.”

Follow the tips I am sharing in this four-part video series, and you’ll go viral with live streaming! Now, grab your favorite pen and press play:

I know there are a LOT of moving parts. If it’s too overwhelming, and you’d rather hand it off to someone else, reach out to us at StandOut.Live and we’ll have a conversation! We have the system down to a science and love helping our clients succeed.

Curious about the live streaming program I referenced in the video? Check it out HERE.

Did you find the video helpful? I hope so! I’d love to hear what stood out the most for you. Please share it in the comments section!

Learn how to leverage your videos to scale your business in this free webinar!

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