
How to Communicate With Your Team | Fast Track Video Ep #91

Do you struggle with understanding how to communicate with your team as an entrepreneur? It’s not as easy as being a manager in a larger firm with built-in support systems and procedures! ?

Prior to my journey as an entrepreneur, I had experience leading a team when I worked with Cutco Cutlery. I never realized how very different it could be from communicating and managing my own team as a small business owner.

The life of an entrepreneur is hectic, due to a plethora of demands for our time. Meetings, emails, phone calls, projects…the list goes on and on. I understand the struggles of limited time, trust me!

Your team is your backbone though, so you must provide effective leadership to help them thrive. By communicating effectively with your team, your company will become stronger and more successful, too. ??

In today’s Fast Track episode, I discuss the following methods I use with my own team to better communicate and strengthen our connection:

  • Why holding regular, consistent meetings is vital for a strong, loyal team.
  • What to include in your meeting agenda to maximize your team.
  • How to get your team involved in the company decisions.
  • How you can create great leaders out of every team member.

Your team deserves a strong leader, and when you give them the proper care, you’ll see explosive growth within the company as a result. It will be well worth the time and energy, I promise.

If you’re ready to show up and be an incredible leader for your team AND your business, click below to watch today’s Fast Track episode:

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